1-the interval between blood donation is
a- 6weeks
b-* 8weeks
c- 10weeks
d- 3months
2- the name given to the infectious virus of hepatitis B (HBV( is :
a- complex virus
b-* dane particle
c- circular DNA virus
d- infectious particle
3- an increase in ESR rate can be the result of an increase in the quantity of :
a-* firinogen
b- prothrombin
c- platelets
d- RBCs
4- anemia due to acute blood loss is usually:
a- microcytic
b- macrocytic
5- 95% of chronic lymphocytic leukemias have surface markers of:
a-* B-cells
b- T-cells
c- tdt..terminal deoxynucleotidyle transferase
d- common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigene
6- amebiasis is caused by :
a- entamoeba coli
b- *entamoeba histolytica
c- entameba butschilli
d- entamoeba polecki
7- alkaline phosphatase increased in :
a- bone disease
b- liver disease
c- intestinal disease
d-* all of the above
8- rhematoid factor are :
a- anti igD
b- *anti igG
C- alloantigens
d- non of the above
9- which of the following is the cause of african sleeping
sickness :
a- leishmania
c- plasmodium
d- giardia
10- which of the malariae organisms perfentially invades
a- plasmodium ovale
b- plasmodium malariae
c-* plasmodium vivax
d- plasmodium flaciparum
11- turbidity in serum associated with :
a- cholesterol
b- total protein
c- free fatty acids
d- * chylomicrons
12- serum creatine kinase is clinically significant in diseases of the :
a- liver
b- kidney
c- *muscle
d- gonads
13- catecholamines are secreated by :
a- kidney
b- pituitary
c- adrenal cortex
d- *adrenal medulla
14- which of the following specimens is or are used for pregnancy test:
a- CSF
b- urine
c- blood
d-* b+c
15- what specimen should be cllected from apatient with suspected influenza:
a- stool
b- *throat swab
d-all of the above
16- which of the following cells ingested and destroyedbabteria :
a-* macrophage
d- basophil
17- which immunoglobulin playes arole in hypersesitivity :
a- igG
b- igM
c- igA
D-* IgE
18- the antigen most commonly tested for in the rh system
is :
a- E
d- e
19. Vaccination for this hepatic disease is with viral surface antigen and
usually provides immunity:
a. Hepatitis A
b.* Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
20. IgM antibody to the viral particle is the method of choice for laboratory
diagnosis of which one of the following hepatitis viruses?
a. *Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
21. The presence of Negri inclusion bodies in host cells is characteristic of
a. Mumps
b. Congenital rubella
b. Aseptic meningitis
d. *Rabies
22- blood collected in EDTA which of the following changes
if kept at room tempreture for 6-24 hours :
a- *increase HCT and MCV
b- increase ESR and MCV
c- increase MCHC and MCV
d- decrease HCT and MCV
23- Agram negative bacilli ,oxidase positive ,causes nosochromial infection and isolated from cystic fibrosis patients is :
a- klebsiella pneumoniae
b-* pseudomonas aeruginosa
d- neisseria gonorrhiae
24- what is both the defenitive and intermediate host
of toxoplasma gondii :
a- dog
d- chicken
25- nagler agar are selective medium for :
a- bacteroids
b-* clostredium
c- archnia
d- propioni bacterium
26- the best single indicator of renal disease :
a- granular
b- hyaline
c- waxy
d-* red blood cell
27- agranular cast is thought to represent the decomposition of
which of these casts :
a- *cellular
b- fatty
c- hyaline
d- waxy
28- the best media used in antimicrobial susceptibility testing is :
a- nutrient agar
b-* muller hinton agar
c- blood agar
d- chocolate agar
29- which the following may cause abortion :
a- CMV
b- rubella
c- toxoplasmosis
d-* all of the above
30- the antigen used to determine the somatic antigenic grouping of enteric bateria is :
a- O
C- K
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