منتديات التحاليل الطبية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات التحاليل الطبية

يناقش مواضيع العلوم الطبية والمخبرية
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول



اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/10/2008

اسئئئئئئئئ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئئئئئئئئ   اسئئئئئئئئ Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 20, 2008 9:03 am

Very Happy

1- mycobacterial culture should be incubated

a-* in 5% co2

b- at 25c
c- under anaerobic condition
d- none of the above

2- the best media used in antimicrobial susceptibility testing is :

a- nutrient agar

b-* muller hinton agar

c- blood agar

d- chocolate agar

3- specimens collected for virus isolation should be kept at

a- 37c

4- which immunoglobulin play role in hypersensitivity

a- IgA

b- IgM

c- igG

d-* IgE

5- fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by

a-* thrombin

b- thromboplastin

c- calcium

d- plasmin

6- an increase level of ammonia in blood indicates

a- liver disease

b- *kidney disease

c- bone disease

d- skin disease

7- The best test to identify Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia with warm type antibody is:

a- Osmotic fragility test.

b- Ham's test.

c- Coomb's test.

8- which of the following substances are not normally present in urine

a- creatinine

b-* uric acid

c- urea

9- A
24 years old man with Hemophilia is involved an auto accident and is
actively bleeding into his left knee joint. Factor VIII assay result is
8%. The blood product of choice to give him is :

a- Fibrinogen.

b- Fresh Frozen Plasma.

c- Whole blood.

d- Cryoprecipitate.

10- rhematoid factor are

a- anti IgD

b- *anti IgG

c- alloantigens

d- all of the above

11- Red blood cells collected in CPDA-1 expire how many days after phlebotomy:-

a- 21 days.

b- 35 days.

c- 42 days.

d- 48 days.

12- what is both the defenitive and intermediate host
of toxoplasma gondii :

a- dog
d- chicken

13- Platelets with half life ........... stored at .......... .

a- 10 days, room temperature.

b- 3- 5 days, room temperature.

c- 3 – 5 days, 4C.

d- 21 days, 4 C.

14. The presence of Negri inclusion bodies in host cells is characteristic of
a. Mumps

b. Congenital rubella
b. Aseptic meningitis
d. *Rabies

15- Patient with blood group AB and Rh positive has in plasma:

a- Anti- A.

b- Anti- B.

c- Anti-A and Anti- B.

d- None of them.

16- Indirect coomb's test used to detect:-

a- Circulating Antibodies in serum.

b- Sensitized RBCs in vivo.

c- Sensitized RBCs in vitro.

d- A and c.

17- what specimen should be cllected from apatient with suspected influenza:

a- stool
b- *throat swab
d-all of the above

18. Vaccination for this hepatic disease is with viral surface antigen and
usually provides immunity:
a. Hepatitis A
b.* Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D

19- Hematopoiesis is a term used to signify:

a- Production of blood cells.

b- Production of red blood cells.

c- Production of white blood cells.

20 - turbidity in serum associated with :

a- cholesterol
b- total protein
c- free fatty acids
d- * chylomicrons

21- The MCH is calculated from the :-

a- Red blood cells count and hematocrit.

b- Red blood cells count and hemoglobin.

c- Hematocrit and hemoglobin.

22- serum creatine kinase is clinically significant in diseases of the :

a- liver
b- kidney
c- *muscle
d- gonads

23- Hypersegmentation of neutrophils occurs in :-

a- Hemolytic anemia.

b- Megaloplastic anemia.

c- Iron defeciency anemia.

24- which of the malariae organisms perfentially invades

a- plasmodium ovale
b- plasmodium malariae
c-* plasmodium vivax
d- plasmodium flaciparum

25- A patient with RBCs 6.0 million/ microliter and MCV 60 fl, this patient most probably has:

a- Iron deficiency anemia

b- B- Thalassemia.

c- Diabetes mellitous.

26- The normal range of reticulocytes is :-

a- 2% - 3%.

b- 0.5% - 2%

c- 10% - 20%.

27- the name given to the infectious virus of hepatitis B (HBV( is :

a- complex virus

b-* dane particle

c- circular DNA virus

d- infectious particle

28- anemia due to acute blood loss is usually:

a- microcytic

b- macrocytic



29- The potasium value for a patient is 8.1 mmol/ L, the first step to do is :-

a- Repeat the test.

b- Inform the doctor.

c- Check for hemolysis.

d- Use another kit.

30- Amylase is an enzyme which catalyzes:

a- The degradation of the fat.

b- The degradation of the starch.

c- The degradation of protein.

d- The degradation of glucose.

31- agranular cast is thought to represent the decomposition of

which of these casts :

a- *cellular

b- fatty

c- hyaline

d- waxy

32- The BUN concentration of a serum sample was measured to be 15 mg/dl. The urea concentration of the same sample in mg/dl is:-

a- 15.

b- 24.

c- 32.

d- 40.

33- Gout
is a pathologic condition that is characterized by the accumulation of
which the following in joints and other body tissues;-

a- Calcium.

b- Phosphorus.

c- BUN.

d- Uric acid.

34- alkaline phosphatase increased in :

a- bone disease

b- liver disease

c- intestinal disease

d-* all of the above

35- How many grams of solute are required to make 200 ml of 55 solution.

a- 2.5 g.

b- 5.0g

c- 10.0g.

d- 20.0g.

36. IgM antibody to the viral particle is the method of choice for laboratory
diagnosis of which one of the following hepatitis viruses?
a. *Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D

37- Staphylococcus aureus can be differentiated from other staphylococcus species by:-

a- Phosphatase production.

b- Coagulase production.

c- Hemolysis.

d- Urease test.

38- which the following may cause abortion :

a- CMV

b- rubella

c- toxoplasmosis

d-* all of the above

39- All of the following micro- organisms grow on MacConkey Except:-

a- Proteus Valgaris.

b- Corynebacterium diphtheria.

c- E. Coli.

d- Pseudomonas aerogenosa.

40- Agram negative bacilli ,oxidase positive ,causes nosochromial infection and isolated from cystic fibrosis patients is :

a- klebsiella pneumoniae

b-* pseudomonas aeruginosa


d- neisseria gonorrhiae

41- Neisseria gonnorrhea could be cultivated on:-

a- Nutrient agar.

b- MacConkey agar.

c- Chocolate agar.

d- Lowenston- Johnston media.

42- nagler agar are selective medium for :

a- bacteroids
b-* clostredium
c- archnia
d- propioni bacterium

43- Indol test is very important for the diagnosis of :-

a- Treponema pallidum.

b- E.Coli.

c- Diplococci pneumoniae
d-Mycobacterium tuberculosis

44- catecholamines are secreated by :

a- kidney
b- pituitary
c- adrenal cortex
d- *adrenal medulla

45 -the interval between blood donation is

a- 6weeks

b-* 8weeks

c- 10weeks

d- 3months

46- chronic blood loss lead to

a- *iron difficiency

b- vit.B12 difficiency

c- polycythemia

d- tissur iron deposites

47- RBCs of which blood group will not be agglutinated by anti A,B TYPING SERUM

a- group A

b- group B

c-* group O

d- group AB

48- group B individuals have

a- A antigen on RBCs

b-* anti A in their serum

c- anti B in their serum

d- neither anti A nor anti A in their serum

49- the quality control should be run at least

a- onca aday

b- once amonth

c- once aweek

d-* every time the reagent is changed

50- german measles is caused by

a- vaccinia virus

b- varicella zoster virus

c- rubella virus

d- rubiola virus
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